Koraput Coffee

The Delicious Koraput Coffee

Koraput Coffee (Odia: କୋରାପୁଟ କଫି), also known as Koraput Arabica, is a unique variety of coffee grown in the Koraput district of Odisha, India. The district is located in the Eastern Ghats, a range of mountains known for their rich biodiversity and unique microclimates. These conditions, combined with the traditional cultivation methods used by local farmers, resulting in a coffee with a distinct taste and aroma.

There are various outlets and cafes for this coffee, but you must enjoy the coffee at the cafe in Ekamara Kanan, Bhubaneswar.

Koraput Coffee Cafe at Ekamara Kanan, Bhubaneswar
Koraput Coffee Cafe at Ekamara Kanan, Bhubaneswar (Photo by: Manas Muduli)

About Koraput Coffee:

Koraput coffee is known for its strong aroma and full-bodied flavor. It has a unique combination of sweet and acidic notes, with a hint of chocolate and a slightly spicy finish. The beans are small and slightly elongated, with a dark green color and a smooth surface.

Koraput coffee is grown using traditional, organic methods. The coffee plants are grown in the shade of other trees, which not only helps to protect the plants from the sun but also promotes biodiversity. The farmers use a variety of organic fertilizers and pest control methods, such as neem oil and cow dung. This results in a coffee that is not only delicious but also better for the environment and the farmers who grow it.

In recent years, the demand for Koraput coffee has increased, both within India and internationally. This has led to an increase in the number of farmers growing the crop, as well as the development of new processing and marketing techniques. However, many of these farmers are small-scale and lack access to markets and processing facilities. Organizations such as Fairtrade have been working with farmers in the region to help improve their livelihoods and promote sustainable farming practices.

Koraput coffee is a unique and delicious product that is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the farmers who grow it. It is also a reminder of the importance of supporting traditional, organic farming methods and promoting sustainable agriculture. As the demand for Koraput coffee continues to grow, it is important that the farmers who grow it are supported and able to benefit from their hard work.

In conclusion, Koraput coffee is a unique and delicious coffee that is grown using traditional, organic methods. Its distinct flavor profile and aroma are the results of its terroir and perfect microclimate. It's organic and sustainable farming practices also make it a perfect choice for coffee lovers who also care about the environment. The increasing demand for this coffee offers an opportunity for farmers to improve their livelihood and promote sustainable farming practices.

Koraput Coffee outlet in Ekamrakanan, Bhubaneswar

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